Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Administrative fees

Article 1
Fee for expert services
The Environmental Agency of Iceland collects fees in accordance with this tariff. The price per hour for the services of an expert is ISK 11,200 and is ISK 6,900 for a secretary for tasks and services with which the Agency is entrusted by laws and regulations and for which a fee may be collected.
Article 2
Travel costs
The Environment Agency collects travel and living expenses in accordance with the rules of the State Travel Cost Committee of the Ministry of Finance.
Article 3
The final due date of fees pursuant to this tariff is 30 days after the issue of the invoice. Penalty interest is calculated from the due date if no payment has been made on the final due date. Costs resulting from the collection of fees may be charged if the fee has not been paid on the final due date.
Article 17
Review of carbon dioxide emissions reports
The Environment Agency collects a fee for reviewing carbon dioxide emission reports in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 11 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change.
The fee is ISK 305,000.
The invoice shall be issued on the receipt of the report.
In the event that the review of the carbon dioxide emissions report involves greater cost for the Environment Agency than the fee provided for in the second paragraph, the Agency may charge an hourly rate for such extra work in accordance with Article 1. The applicant must be notified of the scope of such work and the attendant cost as soon as it becomes clear that the review will require extra work. An invoice for the extra work shall be issued when the report review has been completed.
Article 17
Aircraft operator monitoring plans in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
The Environment Agency collects a fee for the approval of aircraft operator Tonne – kilometre monitoring plans in accordance with the second and third paragraph of Article 21 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change, as amended.
The fee shall be:
- a. ISK 281,300 for aircraft operators with either fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or flights with total annual emissions of carbon dioxide lower than 25,000 tonnes per year.
- b. ISK 370,900 for other aircraft operators.
The Environment Agency collects a fee for the approval of aircraft operator monitoring plans for every monitoring phase in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 21 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change, as amended.
The fee shall be:
- a. ISK 281,300 for aircraft operators with either fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or flights with total annual emissions of carbon dioxide lower than 25,000 tonnes per year.
- b. ISK 370,900 for other aircraft operators.
The Environment Agency collects a fee for the approval of a revised monitoring plan in accordance with the fourth paragraph of Article 21 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change, as amended.
The fee shall be:
- a. ISK 102,100 for aircraft operators with either fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or flights with total annual emissions of carbon dioxide lower than 25,000 tonnes per year.
- b. ISK 124,500 for other aircraft operators.
An invoice shall be issued after a monitoring plan or a request for the revision or update of a plan has been delivered to the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency, however, may collect the fee in another manner and/or appoint another party to collect the fee.
In the event that the work on the aircraft operator’s monitoring plan involves greater cost for the Environment Agency than the fee provided for in the second, fourth or sixth paragraph, the Agency may charge an hourly rate for such extra work in accordance with Article 1. The applicant must be notified of the scope of such work and the attendant cost as soon as it becomes clear more work is required. The invoice for extra work shall be issued when the approval of the monitoring plan or its update has been completed.
Article 13
Aircraft operator report under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
The Environment Agency collects a fee for work in connection with the aircraft operator report on carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with the fifth paragraph of Article 21 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change, as amended.
The fee shall be:
- a. ISK 214,100 for aircraft operators with either fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or flights with total annual emissions of carbon dioxide lower than 25,000 tonnes per year.
- b. ISK 281,300 for other aircraft operators.
The invoice shall be issued after the report has been delivered to the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency, however, may collect the fee in another manner and/or appoint another party to collect the fee.
In the event that work on reviewing the aircraft operator’s report on carbon dioxide emissions involves greater cost for the Environment Agency than the fee provided for in the second paragraph, the Agency may charge an hourly rate for such extra work in accordance with Article 1. The applicant must be notified of the scope of such work and the attendant cost as soon as it becomes clear that more work is required. The invoice for extra work shall be issued when the review of the report has been completed.
Article 14
Estimates of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in aviation in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
The Environment Agency collects a fee for estimation of carbon dioxide emissions for aircraft operators, if emission report has not been received within specified deadline or if the emission report is incomplete or has not been verified in accordance with the sixth paragraph of Article 21 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change, as amended.
The fee shall be:
- a. ISK 90,900 for aircraft operators with either fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or flights with total annual emissions of carbon dioxide lower than 25,000 tonnes per year.
- b. ISK 113,300 for other aircraft operators.
The invoice shall be issued after the report has been delivered to the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency, however, may collect the fee in another manner and/or appoint another party to collect the fee.
In the event that work on reviewing the aircraft operator’s report on carbon dioxide emissions involves greater cost for the Environment Agency than the fee provided for in the second paragraph, the Agency may charge an hourly rate for such extra work in accordance with Article 1. The applicant must be notified of the scope of such work and the attendant cost as soon as it becomes clear that more work is required. The invoice for extra work shall be issued when the review of the report has been completed.
Article 22
Emissions Trading Registry
The Environment Agency collects a fee for the accounts of operators of installations, aircraft operators and other entities in the emissions trading registry, in accordance with Article 22 of Act No. 70/2012 on Climate Change, as amended.
The fee for Aircraft Operators & Operators shall be:
- a. ISK 62,900 for the creation of an account.
- b. ISK 56,000 annual fee for an account.
The fee for Verifiers shall be:
- a. ISK 40,500 for the creation of an account.
- b. ISK 33,600 annual fee for an account.
The annual fee for an account is calculated from the date that the account is created. The annual fee collected may only be multiplied by X/365, where X represents the number of days remaining in the year in question when the account is created. An invoice, cf. item a, is issued once an application for an account has been submitted to the Environment Agency.
An invoice, cf. item b, is issued in advance at the beginning of each year or in advance concurrently with the issue of the invoice pursuant to item a of the second paragraph.