Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Archeology and Folklore

Two widely known archaeological discoveries are related to Mývatnssveit district. A famous Viking board game found in a grave by Baldursheimur is now kept in the National Museum. At Hofsstaðir farm, the remains of a 40-metre-long dwelling lodge from the 10th century, the longest of its kind in Iceland, can be found. The most renowned of the local ancient heroes is Víga-Skúta. His story is told in Reykdæla Saga and in Víga-Skúta and Víga-Glúms Saga. He possessed the axe Fluga (“Fly”), and with it, he killed many men. There are few stories of elves and trolls, but the ogress Kráka lived in Bláhvammur on the side of Mt. Bláfjall, and she created the river Kráká to wreak revenge upon the district. Another ogress lived in Skessuhali by Búrfell Mountain, but she turned into stone in her boat returning from the lake. The most renowned ghost in the area is Grímsstaðaskotta, a cause of great evil. Many believed the water in Þangbrandspollur at Skútustaðir to have healing powers. Bishop Þangbrandur christened the inhabitants of the district in the pool.