Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur.
ICV Trail Team´s Folder
Here, anyone can find the information the volunteers received during their placement. All these documents are gathered in a team folder that is always with the team. The documents aim to provide useful information especially about safety and health. Note that some information is confidential and therefore not available online*.
Part 1: Generalities
- Health and safety and volunteer projects
- General terms and conditions & code of conduct
- Trail team programme outline
Part 2: Safety
Part 3: What to do every week
- CHECKLIST: Complete list of dry food, long term boxes, sundries, kitchen equipment, tools
- CHECKLIST: Car matters
- SHOPPING: How to use shopping cards and UST accounts*
- SHOPPING: Fresh food recommendation
- RECEIPTS: Empty plastic pockets with zip for collecting the receipts „nóta“
Part 4: Useful documents
- Phone numbers of rangers and other useful numbers per each location*
- List of participants with phone number and emails, diet*
- Instruction for mess tent handling
- Map of Iceland with protected areas.
Part 5: Trail work
Part 6: Cook book
- COOK BOOK: All the recipes
- Chili meals:
- Curry meals:
- Desserts:
- Pasta meals:
- Potato meals:
- Rice meals:
- Other meals: