Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur.
Guided Events 2023
Guided walk with Park Rangers summer 2023
- All welcome and free entry.
Weekly Schedule
Guided walk with Park Rangers at Malarrifi - Every day at 1:00PM in June - July.
Daily walk from Malarrif visitor center to Lóndrangar. Easy walk that takes about 1-1,5 hours.
Children's activities with Park Rangers - Every Thursday at 11:00AM in July.
Children meet up with Park Rangers at National Park Center in Hellissandur.
20. July Arnarstapi - Hellnar
Guided walk with a ranger to learn more about the history and nature of the nature reserve. Meeting point at Arnarstapi, parking area by harbor at 1:00PM.
Walks take about 1.5 hours and suitable for all ages.
31. July - World Ranger Day
We invite our guests to meet our rangers and learn about the work of rangers. Meeting point is by Malarrif Visitor Center at 1:00PM.
11. August Sandhólar - Dritvík - Djúpalón
Guest meet up with park rangers at the car park at Sandhólar at 2:00PM.
Walks take about 2 hours and is suitable for all ages.
18. August Fjallganga á Hreggnasa
Guided hike up Hreggnasa with Ranger.
Guest meet up with Park Rangers by the intersections of Útnesvegur (574) and Eysteinsdalur (575).
Walks take about 2 hours and is medium difficult.