
The Environmental Agency of Iceland is divided into five departments. The departments are divided into teams based on their projects and responsibilities. 

The Office of the General Director functions as a separate unit. 

General Director: Sigrún Ágústsdóttir

Department of Chemicals, Permits and Wildlife Management
Director: Skúli Þórðarson

  • Chemicals – Leader: Ísak Sigurjón Bragason
  • Integrated Pollution Permits and Impact Assessment - Leader: Sverrir Aðalsteinn Jónsson
  • Wildlife Management – Leader: Bjarni Jónasson

Department of Climate and Circular Economy
Director: Auður H. Ingólfsdóttir (from 1 December 2023)

  • Circular Economy – Leader: Þorbjörg Sandra Bakke
  • Climate -  Leader: Nicole Keller

Department of Nature Protection Areas
Director: Inga Dóra Hrólfsdóttir

  • Designation of Nature Protection Areas and Administration – Leader: Davíð Örvar Hansson
  • Nature Conservation Northern Region - Leader:  Kristín Ósk Jónsdóttir
  • Snæfellsjökull National Park and Nature Conservation Southern Region - Leader: Hákon Ásgeirsson

Department of Environmental Quality
Director: Aðalbjörg Birna Guttormsdóttir

  • Air Quality and ETS - Leader: Einar Halldórsson
  • Inspection - Leader: Sigríður Kristinsdóttir
  • Ocean and Water - Leader: Halla Einarsdóttir

Department of Service

  • Leader: Þóra M. Pálsdóttir Briem
  • Leader: Garðar S. Gíslason
  • Leader: Björgvin Valdimarsson